Friday, March 20, 2009

Second Life: What Is It?

Unless you happened to be present for one of the great presentations given by our media relations coordinator, Jenny Williams, regarding the Georgia Museum of Art's venture into Second Life, you may not know what, exactly, that is. Jenny passed along the following YouTube video that gives a good introduction to the virtual world and how users outside of individuals (businesses, governments, nonprofits) are using it to further their goals.

This second video gives a nice concrete example of a firm using Second Life:

You can register for an account and find out more about it here. The virtual museum is coming along nicely, and we're working on recording blurbs about some of the works of art on its walls that visitors will be able to listen to as they walk around inside it.

1 comment:

Mab MacMoragh said...

Great job! I'm wandering the galleries now!