Monday, August 24, 2009

Hello from Aurelie

GMOA enthusiasts and Curator’s Corner readers,

My name is Aurelie Frolet, and from now till the end of the semester, I will be contributing to Curator’s Corner on a regular basis, which entails writing blog entries and posting on all things GMOA, art and local art happenings. Before I delve into my aspirations and hopes for this blog, I’d like to tell you a bit about myself, so you can put a face to this amorphous Internet-persona talking to you. I am a senior at the University of Georgia, majoring in comparative literature and Chinese. I spent a year in Beijing about two years ago and developed an attraction to Chinese art (specifically, pottery from the Tang dynasty). This very specific interest burgeoned into a more general love of art. Last summer, I archived, translated and researched for the Asian art department at the Art Institute of Chicago. Not only did I get to handle Tang Dynasty earthenware, but I also fell in love with museum work. My passion for art and museums has finally reignited in the form of a publications internship at The Georgia Museum of Art. This means I will be blogging about upcoming GMOA events and exhibitions, other art shows in Athens, artists in Athens and interesting contemporary art trends. I also really want this blog to establish dialogue between you and me, so please, please, please e-mail me with any questions or comments. If you ever feel like I should be addressing something in particular, I’d love to hear about it.

Feel free to email me at Till next time!

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