Now open until April 27th, the Master of Fine Arts Degree Candidates Exhibition is always a fun and intellectually-charged display.
The Red and Black had an article last week.
The 17 Lamar Dodd School of Art students featured in the 2008 exhibition are: Joshua Bienko, drawing and painting; Maria Dondero, ceramics; Judson Duke, drawing and painting; Euni Figi, fabric design; Jodi Green, printmaking; Motoko Inoue, fabric design; C. Wayne Jones, interior design; Bartholomew Lynch, drawing and painting; Katherine McGuire, printmaking; Jessica Mills, printmaking; Erik Patten, photography; Gary Pearce, jewelry and metal; John Powers, sculpture; John Stidham, drawing and painting; Leigh Swift, interior design; Chris Thomas, ceramics; and Zuzka Vaclavik, drawing and painting. Encompassing 6 of the museum's 9 galleries, the display is sponsored by The Lamar Dodd School of Art, YellowBook USA, the W. Newton Morris Charitable Foundation and the Friends of the Georgia Museum of Art.
The 2008 group has their own website -- http://ugamfa.com/ -- which includes links to some of the individual sites as well.
Last night was "MFA Speaks," an opportunity for the students themselves to (very briefly) talk about their art with the general public. The big event (the party) is tomorrow night at the museum.
Last year, I created a video slideshow of the galleries for the MFA exhibition. Although it is a very poor substitute (with my no-so-great photography skills) for visiting the galleries and seeing the objects in person, here is 2008's version as if you were moving through the display: