Mark your calendars for tonight, film appreciators! The Georgia Museum of Art will be screening the third film in its four-film series on the films of director Alfred Hitchcock, "Marnie", introduced, once again, by Dr. Janice Simon, Josiah Meigs Distinguished Teaching Associate Professor of Art History in the Lamar Dodd School of Art. "Marnie" will be shown in the M. Smith Griffith Auditorium at the museum's Carlton Street location at 7 p.m. and is free and open to the public.
The long trailer for the film, which is embedded below (unfortunately not in the best quality), gives some idea of its strangeness, even within Hitchcock's oeuvre, although one can certainly see connections to "Psycho" and "Spellbound" in its portrayal of the psychological dramas of its main character, played by Tippi Hedren.
For those interested in examining gender issues in Hitchcock's films, "Marnie" presents particularly fertile ground. Jodi Ramer, for example, includes the film an analysis of the "Hitchcock blonde," and it is, overall, a fun film to probe, as well as a compelling character-based drama with strong Freudian themes.
We hope to see you here tonight for either the film or for our life-drawing class, which meets in the Ed and Phoebe Forio Studio Classroom from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m., sans instruction, and costs $5.
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