Monday, July 25, 2011

GMOA Lunch & Learn

This past Thursday, July 21, GMOA held a Lunch & Learn for UGA faculty to come eat cookies and learn about how to use the permanent collection in their classes. Attendees included Sujata Iyengar and Richard Menke from the English department, Claiborne Glover from biochemistry and molecular biology, Jim Woglom from art education and several folks from the UGA libraries. Larry Forte put together this brief slideshow of pictures from the afternoon. We'll be holding more of these in the future, so remember that there were cookies.


Anonymous said...

Hi, I don't remember signing a release at that Lunch and Learn. I'd rather *not* be broadcast, please!

Georgia Museum of Art said...

Can you please email me at hazbrown at and tell me which pictures you would like removed?