Friday, October 21, 2011

WUGA--The Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship

WUGA-TV used to be WNEG and now is affiliated with PBS and based on the University of Georgia campus. They recently approached us about partnering on creating some content, and above is our first effort. We're working on doing something longer at some point, but for the moment, we're putting together one-minute features on an exhibition each month that will run regularly on the station. This month's focuses on "American Letterpress: The Art of Hatch Show Print" and features chief preparator and in-house curator of the exhibition Todd Rivers.

Here's a list of channels, depending on your location and cable package. Unfortunately, WUGA isn't available on all satellite providers yet, but the station is working on it.

So look out for us on your TV and let us know if you see the promo.

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