Kanye West just highlighted the camera obscura work of photographer Marja Pirilä on his blog, linking to a post of her images at Icononology, which are eerie, calm and beautiful. But they rang a bell in our memory to a couple of years ago, when the Georgia Museum of Art was one of several venues for the Southern Circuit, a tour of independent filmmakers. Directors would present their film(s) in the museum's auditorium and then stay for a Q&A after the screening. It was a wonderful program to be involved with, and part of it included evaluating a number of films ahead of time, films we couldn't be sure we would receive but that, if they were good, someone participating in the program would. One such film, which GMOA didn't end up showing but was excellent, was a documentary about photographer Abelardo Morrell (you can watch it on his website), who also takes pictures of camera obscura room projections, like the one below.

Googling also turned up the work of Charles Schwartz. Who else out there is doing this kind of work? There's something about being inside a camera that produces magical results.
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