Tuesday, December 15, 2009

One Less Blogger in the Art Blog World

As a blogger myself, although a still fledging one, I was disappointed to hear that Richard Lacayo, the art blogger for the Time Web site, has decided to stop working on his blog. He says he is overworked and cannot dedicate any more time researching and writing for it, as he needs to be dedicating more time to the rest of his job requirements, such as writing for the magazine and for the time.com homepage about art and architecture. Lacayo talks about his reason for dropping the blog: “Within a month after I started blogging it was clear to me that a daily blog is also quite a daily grind. I may be mistaken, but I think I've been the only critic at any major American newspaper or magazine who maintains a daily artsblog that's also a one-person operation”; essentially, no time for blogging, for our Time journalist.

for more on Lacayo, check out his personal profile page on the Time website


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