Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Big Print Event!

Hello! My name is Margaret George and I am a new intern with the department of publications at the Georgia Museum of Art. I am a fourth-year Printmaking major in the Lamar Dodd School of Art at the University of Georgia, and I look forward to telling you about exciting events and news in the art world.

An inspiring event will take place this Saturday, May 15, 2010 at the Atlanta Printmakers Studio from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The idea is to make an impact with printmaking in a big way using an old steamroller to make large-scale woodcuts. With help from community art centers and local college students, the 4-by-8-foot woodblocks will be transferred to fabric banners and later hung around the city at food venues. As the theme of the event is
"Deep-fried & Delicious: Big Plate Specials from the Deep South", the imagery represents the iconic food relating to southern culture such as fried chicken, Krispy Kreme Donuts and southern-style vegetables.

This family-fun event encourages people to watch, learn and even participate. Everyone is welcome, and if so inspired, you can also become a member of APS to continue your support and love of printmaking!

For more information and directions to the Metropolitan, location of APS, please visit http://bit.ly/bhW0Wm.

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