Ray Channell sent us four more images for the Flickr gallery of R.A. Millers, which is up to 55 pictures. We'd like to keep it growing, so please send yours in to gmoapr at yahoo.com.
Ray writes, "I got to visit with Mr. Miller at his home sometime in the Fall of 2003. He was very personable and chatty. He showed me and my friend around and inside his house, answering questions and telling stories about his art and some pieces that were gifts from other artists. I got him to tell me the Blow Oscar story. 'He never stopped to see if I needed anything, he just blew the horn and waved.' Janice also got a really nice whirleygig, a green cut-out dog, and a cut-out chicken. At least two other rectangular 'roofing tin' pieces were gifted." Click through to see some of his other information about the images he sent, including why the devil above has two mouths...
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