Merry whatever you celebrate, and thank you for all of your support in 2009. This blog is going on hiatus until January 5, when the university will be back and operating, so check with us then. All of our best wishes to you for a happy 2010!
When pressed about what looks to some like a sensual female shape in the painting, she said: “Look, to me it was white, beautiful white, and then the white was shrieking for the green, and the little triangle created a force field. People see very sexy things — dirty minds! — but to me sex is sex, and triangles are triangles.”Hmm...
As a blogger myself, although a still fledging one, I was disappointed to hear that Richard Lacayo, the art blogger for the Time Web site, has decided to stop working on his blog. He says he is overworked and cannot dedicate any more time researching and writing for it, as he needs to be dedicating more time to the rest of his job requirements, such as writing for the magazine and for the time.com homepage about art and architecture. Lacayo talks about his reason for dropping the blog: “Within a month after I started blogging it was clear to me that a daily blog is also quite a daily grind. I may be mistaken, but I think I've been the only critic at any major American newspaper or magazine who maintains a daily artsblog that's also a one-person operation”; essentially, no time for blogging, for our Time journalist.
for more on Lacayo, check out his personal profile page on the Time website
“I was talking to my cat the other day, and I realized it was my backpack,” Ms. Kitazawa exclaims. One of a handful of legally blind artists included in the national juried exhibition “Insights,” she was declared legally blind in February due to advanced glaucoma and started becoming incredibly productive in the art realm, according to the New York Times. The impairment has allowed her to fulfill a dormant dream: to create riveting visual artistic landscapes. One of her exhibited pieces, pictured above, consists of two circular fabric-based figures with a painted background. “I think my work is about being lost, in part. How I see is sort of my subject,” says Kitazawa.
“Insights” is in its 20th year and is one of the country’s most selective “exhibitions of paintings, photographs and mixed-media pieces by legally blind artists.”
The exhibition includes a number of supremely talented blind artists, among them photographers, painters, mixed media artists, etc. One photographer, Pete Eckert, takes pictures of images he perceives through sound; by imagining the bouncing and interaction of waves surrounding and interacting with an object, he can grasp and “see” a scene.
For more pictures, check out the slide show on the New York Times’ Web site
Nevertheless, museum expansion isn't an evil to be avoided, as Robin's article seems to suggest. It just needs to be done for the right reasons and with a secure financial underpinning. That means not only knowing in advance where the necessary construction money is coming from, but also amassing the endowment funds required to cover the increased operating costs of the expanded facility. If you don't know where that money is coming from, you need to delay the project. There's nothing wrong with that.
Christmas Cards 1930-76
The Daura Christmas/New Year card tradition began with the 1930-31 (Dec. 1930 – Jan. 1931) holiday season after Pierre and Louise moved from Paris to St. Cirq-Lapopie in July 1930. From that season through the 1938-39 season, while Pierre lived in France, with one exception, the “cards” were original engravings or block prints produced by Pierre in limited editions as gifts for family and friends. It is unlikely that prints were made for either the 1934-35 season when Pierre was in Virginia, or the 1937-38 season before Pierre had recovered from his Spanish Civil War wounds. The only information available regarding prints made while Pierre lived in France is from the plates, blocks or prints in the GMOA collection, and inventories. The exception card referred to above was a commercial reprint of an oil painting. From the 1939-40 season until Pierre’s death in 1976, the cards were commercial reprints of original works, usually drawings. They were printed in fairly large editions.
The twentieth century proved that good art does not need to be beautiful in the classical sense. It need not necessarily concern itself with verisimilitude, with a lifelike representation of the physical world around us. It needn’t be a bucolic landscape or a female nude. However, successful art of any period—in my opinion, at least—does need to address the world around us, providing a personal response to our shared culture and representing it in a way that makes us consider it anew.
Treading, an installation by Judith McWillie’s undergraduate studio art class currently on view in the main hall leading to our temporary offices in the old visual arts building, is a work that fulfills this requirement of relevance. It is a challenging piece, but one worth the effort required to take it all in and to understand what it’s all about. At first glance, it can be overwhelming, for some, even off-putting. It’s not “pretty” in a traditional sense. It’s not safe nor is it particularly easy to grasp all at once. A group collaboration with the goal of making a site-specific installation might have made creating a cohesive work difficult. The result could have been a hodgepodge of individual works that failed to come together as a whole, or it might have been a blandly unified piece that settled for the lowest common denominator. Instead, an agreed upon set of formal parameters provide cohesion while allowing each individual voice to speak freely. With the first aim of filling the available wall, each participant chose a fifty foot by six inch strip of material on which they each wrote a text of their choosing, hanging the strips in long, horizontal stripes that cover the wall. In the process of hanging these stripes, the group decided to extend the texts further, filling the glass walls, doors, and windows in the surrounding space with their writing. The result is a multiplicity of voices, each component maintaining its individuality while creating a pluralistic but unified whole.
Comparisons can be made to some of the most important trends in contemporary art. It can be related to Minimalism, not in its aesthetic, which is far from minimal, but in the way it acknowledges the relationship between the work and viewer in real space. Like the work of Carl Andre, Dan Flavin, or Donald Judd, this is not simply a picture on a wall that one can stand and look at, nor is it a work of sculpture with a clearly defined point from which it may be viewed. You have to engage with it and move around, to follow its lead—figuratively and literally—to understand what it’s all about. The heavy emphasis on text puts Treading firmly in the camp of conceptual art. Although Marcel Duchamp’s emphasis on the idea over the craft of art marks him as a forerunner of this style, Joseph Kosuth is typically cited as the most immediate progenitor of conceptual art. Kosuth’s canonical One and Three Chairs (1965), for instance, juxtaposed a picture of a chair, a real chair, and a dictionary definition of “chair,” essentially questioning what constitutes artistic representation. Bruce Nauman’s sentences crafted from neon lights and Ian Hamilton Finlay’s concrete poems on various materials may also be seen as heirs of this trend.
More recently, provocative artists like Barbara Kruger and Jenny Holzer have become well known for their text-based art. Holzer’s “Truisms” series consists of aphorism-like statements printed on a variety of objects—postcards, t-shirts, golf balls—in a simple, bold font. Statements like “EVERYONE’S WORK IS EQUALLY IMPORTANT” and “EXCEPTIONAL PEOPLE DESERVE SPECIAL TREATMENT” become absurd in their contradictions, demanding a reconsideration of received wisdom. Kruger uses similarly authoritative, declarative statements, such as “I shop therefore I am” (1987), overlaid on stark, black and white photographs. Both Kruger and Holzer reference consumer culture, using strategies common to advertising and marketing, and both artists stress their background in mass media. This critical stance towards consumerism also points to another important facet of conceptual art, its non-commercial nature and the lack of an easily sellable object. Performance art “Happenings” and installations became favorite media of artists of the 1960s and 1970s. Although both are as old as art itself, they became distinct categories of visual art making only in the late 1960s. Graffiti/street art, a stylistic trope that has been employed to great effect by countless artists since the 1980s—think Keith Haring or, more recently, Shepard Fairey—also figures into Treading, especially where the text continues into the surrounding space (if it were not erasable ink, it would literally be graffiti).
Clearly, the artists who participated in Treading have learned their lessons from art history, but they’ve also made something of their own. The coolly removed aesthetic of Holzer, Kruger, and Kosuth, is at odds with the highly personal, handwritten scripts in Treading, many of which could even be described as expressionistic. The individual texts used in the installation come from a variety of different sources. Some have a clear agenda. Chessie McGarity presents quotations from different religious texts of the world, all of which describe what most of us know as the “golden rule.” In doing so, she makes the point that for all of the conflicts that arise due to different religious beliefs, there are far more important and compelling commonalities than differences. Other texts have a personal significance for the artist, such as a favorite poem—for instance, Octavio Paz’s “Prologue,” used by Sarah Bohannan. Margaret George uses a favorite song lyric from Radiohead’s “Jigsaw Falling Into Place.” Some texts are repetitive, such as Nicole Levy’s, which draws from the Notorious B.I.G.’s “Mo Money Mo Problems,” repeating the phrase over and over on top of photocopied enlargements of dollar bills, or Mary Ellen Andersen’s repeated “Achachachacha…,” also a song title and lyric, but one that references the artist’s biography, coming from a fireside song that became a mainstay at the summer camp for homeless children where she worked. Other texts are used as much like found materials as quotations. Melissa Lee presents a text message conversation between herself and her boyfriend. Lindsey Reynolds used snippets of conversations overheard in class. Abby Newland sums up the sentiment most students are probably feeling this time of year: “I have no time, I have no time, I have no time…” In the context of this installation, these varied texts all serve as indicators of personal taste, style, and beliefs. They give us an idea of who the artist is and what they care about.
In naming the installation, the group wanted something evocative yet ambiguous. “To tread” can be used in the context of treading water, a continuous effort exerted to stay afloat. It can refer to a tire tread, something that goes around and around, providing traction but slowing wearing out. It can suggest treading on foot, again bringing us back to the issue of our navigation through a physical space. All of these meanings seem relevant to me. Aside from the fact that the viewer is compelled to follow each text, laid out in a path not unlike the marks left by a tire’s tread, it brings to my mind a parallel with walking through a busy university campus. Like the student body at large, each participant in this collaboration was given free reign within a set of predetermined parameters. The choice of materials—ranging from various sorts of fabric, most of them art materials like canvas and silk screen, to tinfoil (Patrick Triggs), or even plastic bags ironed together (Frankie Porter)—is almost like the choice of clothing made each morning, a indicator of who we are, or at least what we want to present as our public persona. Like Lindsey Reynolds’s literal presentation of overheard conversations, the disparate texts taken as a whole become much like the audio background of our daily lives, a cacophony of voices mingling with bits of music from cars and nearby headphones that surround us on crowded sidewalks between classes. In this way, Treading provides real insight into the diverse but not entirely dissimilar elements of campus life.
We at GMOA extend our sincere thanks to Judy McWillie and her class: Mary Ellen Andersen, Sarah Bohannan, Erika Burke, Anna Beth Eason, Margaret George, Kathryn Amand Green, Erin Haas, Stephanie Hammermiller, Lauren Kesler, Melissa Lee, Nicole Levy, Chessie McGarity, Abby Newland, Frankie Porter, Lindsey Reynolds, Claudia Santillan, and Patrick Triggs.
This week’s “Digging Daura” post is the last in our subseries of excerpts from the letters of Louise Blair Daura to her family. Here she describes a visit to Piet Mondrian’s Paris studio in April of 1930. Her description of the studio’s design, which is, in effect, an extension of Mondrian’s canvases, illustrates the artist’s desire “to establish international unity in life, art, culture, either intellectually or materially.“[1] A photograph of Mondrian’s New York studio in the 1940s is often pictured in art historical texts to demonstrate the same strategy. Louise’s description of Mondrian’s photo album, with which he explained his gradual embrace of a totally abstract painting style, is even more significant, supporting, as it does, the now classic lecture on Mondrian in which art history professors do the same thing with images showing his progression from early works to his mature style.
When I left Jean, I went to join Pierre at Mondrian’s studio.[2] Mondrian is the founder of the Constructivist movement in art, and works with the simplest of elements; red, blue, yellow, black and white, unmixed, are the only colors he uses, and squares, rectangles and black lines the only forms. He is 58, and showed us an album of photos of his paintings from the age of seventeen, clearly showing the evolution which he has undergone from Academicism, through Cubism, to his present form. He has written numerous books on the “neo-Plasticism” as he calls his art, and has paintings in the museums of Holland, Prague, and Germany. His studio is as interesting as his paintings. The walls, chairs, tables and easels are painted with white Ripolin, and all the accessories, such as boxes, victrola, etc. are painted in red, blue or yellow Ripolin, and placed so carefully that nothing must be moved out of its proper place.[3] The walls are decorated with different sized squares of red, blue and yellow, placed at calculated but not symmetrical distances. On the white cupboards and tables would be painted a small rectangle of color, and all so calculated that it was impossible not to admire it, though I had never seen anything like it before. The floor was very dark and highly polished, with grey rugs scattered about, and the divan was grey also. With all of those colors at their maximum intensity, the proportion of each in reference to the whole was so perfect that it was at once gay and restful. He showed us his paintings, one of which is square, and hung by one of its points, in diamond shape, with only four lines on its perfect, white surface. As we discussed it, he explained how long he had worked on it, how difficult it had been, because the slightest increase in size of the top line or change in position made the picture too “tragic.” He works for weeks on one picture, to get a surface as united and perfect as if it had been painted with one stroke of a large brush dipped in Duco, and he is as pre-occupied with the proportions of one square in reference to another as ever Rubens was to suspend the chariot of Victory in air above a riotous scene of battle.[4]
(Louise Blair Daura letter to family, April 17, 1930, Pierre Daura Archive, Georgia Museum of Art, University of Georgia)
Next week’s “Digging Daura” post will present some of the Christmas-themed items in the archive.
[1] “De Stijl: Maifesto 1,” first published in De Stijl, V, no. 4 (Amsterdam, 1922), reprinted in Charles Harrison and Paul Wood, eds., Art in Theory: 1900-2000 (Blackwell Publishing: Malden, MA, 2003) p. 281.
[2] Piet Mondrian (1872-1944), Dutch painter, founder of De Stijl movement and creator of a style of abstract painting he named Neo-Plasticism, which was both a source for and a subset of the larger Constructivist movement in Europe in the 1920s.
[3] Ripolin remains a popular, French brand of enamel paint.
[4] Duco is an industrial paint invented in 1923 by GM for automobiles.
Above: marginalia drawing by Louise Blair Daura illustrating a painting by Mondrian.
The Louvre Museum and the palace at Versailles were closed yesterday due to a workers’ strike that began in November at the Pompidou Center for modern art; other workers joined this week.
Yesterday, workers blocked the tourists outside the pyramid of the Louvre courtyard. Versailles usually has thousands of visitors each day but didn’t have enough workers to open. The Pompidou Center and the Musee d’Orsay were closed as well. Workers at Francois Mitterrand National Library in Paris voted to join in today.
Union leaders met with Culture Minister Frederic Mitterrand earlier this week and did not win concessions. The culture minister said that “France could not make an exception for museum workers in a government-wide cost-cutting measure affecting all public servants, and that museums had many ways to reorganize to deal with shrinking staff members.” Labor leaders then decided to continue the strike today.
Check out our earlier blog post by clicking here.